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EMS World Expo is upon us and #SavvikSays make sure you maximize your time while looking for purchasing deals in Las Vegas.  So many vendors to see in between classes, peer meetings and enjoying the city.

As you know, Savvik’s focus is making your life easier.  In that vein, Savvik is making it easy for you to see multiple vendors all in one area over two days.  Many of our key vendors will be available to you in one area. See the schedule below and don’t forget lucky #1310!

But wait! Don’t forget your passport!  All conference attendees will be receiving their “passports” inside their conference bags at registration.  Make sure that you get all of the boxes “stamped” from each of the participating companies.  Once complete, you should drop off your passports at the EMS World booth by end of the day on Thursday to be eligible for the prizes.

Savvik will have another 50” television available as a prize.

So, make sure you stop by the Savvik booth, #1310 to get your passport stamped, get logged in to our online store AND be sure to come to our vendor meet-up Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

See you in Las Vegas!

Thank you!

Your entry has been received. 
You will hear back from us soon regarding your organization’s store credit.
If you have any questions, please contact us!