Genlantis is a biotechnology company located in San Diego, California. It designs, develops and commercializes biological technologies, including reagents and equipment, for life scientists, and more recently for first responders as well.
Genlantis offers a comprehensive line of specialty sterilization equipment under the FirstResponder®, SteriZAP®, and TempZAP® product lines. Genlantis products are developed for laboratory sterilization needs as well as adapted and improved to fill the needs of police, fire, and EMS response fields, and lately general Covid-19 sterilization needs. Our technologies use powerful triatomic oxygen (O3) UV-C, and safe chemical sterilization compounds in various forms (liquids and tablets), that can all function separately or in tandem to sterilize rooms and vehicles of all kinds and sizes.
Contract Name & No: Sterilization and Respiration #2020-05
Contract End Date: 8/11/2023
Host Public Agency: Eagle County Health Service District
Marketing Agency: Savvik Buying Group
Vendors: Facilities Solutions Group, Genlantis, Purteq, Scorpion Protective Coatings
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