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February 1, 2024


Diversity in EMS study Published

Delaware State University has published a study on inclusivity and diversity in Emergency Medicine that sheds light on barriers to entry and retention faced by underrepresented first responders. Delaware State University has published a study on inclusivity and diversity in Emergency Medicine that sheds light on barriers to entry and retention faced by underrepresented first responders.


The Savvik Foundation and Delaware State University, alongside Savvik Buying Group, are proud to announce a research study on diversity and inclusion within EMS has been concluded, and it’s results available on

The study began in October of 2022 and was conducted by a team of researchers at Delaware State University: Dr. Knolan Rawlins, Dr. Amy Gootee-Ash, Dr. Adam Kuperavage, professors in the Department of Public and Allied Health Science: Dr. Rosemarie White, a professor from the Department of Nursing: Dr. Brian Friel, a Data Analyst from the Department of Psychology: and Mrs. Brittany Maday who is the Director of Research Development and Services. The study surveyed over 700 members of the EMS community with the goal of identifying barriers to entry and retention for underrepresented first responders, including members of the BIPOC community and women. The study was concluded in 2023.

The Savvik Foundation funded the diversity and inclusion study, and has committed more funding to acting on the conclusions gathered in this study, with the ultimate goal being to break down the barriers to entry and retention that underrepresented first responders face.

When asked about committing not only to funding the study, but also the follow-up steps that are required to act on it, board member Scott Moore had this to say “This is an incredibly important issue facing our profession. During an event where I suggested that we needed to work on diversity in EMS, there was a comment made about the fact that I am a middle-aged white man, that I may not be able to fully understand the issue. My feeling is that paving the way for diversity and inclusion in EMS is our collective responsibility. If not us, then who?” a sentiment that is shared by The Savvik Foundation board.

On the study itself, Dr. Rawlins had this to say about the research: “This research is studying perspectives- and a lot of practitioners don’t realize they have a different perspective on these sort of issues. The study asks as neutral as possible “what are we seeing differently, and why are we seeing this differently?” That’s where the work begins”

Any Questions, Comments, or Collaboration about the study should be fielded to the Savvik Foundation Board of Directors via Savvik Buying Group at


The Savvik Buying Group (formally known as the North Central EMS Corporation) is a non-profit organization formed to reduce the financial impact of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 within the EMS industry. Since our humble beginnings, Savvik has expanded to include over 16,000 members and dozens of affiliated Associations.

Savvik Buying Group offers group purchasing discounts for organizations and agencies looking to source supplies, equipment, and services for less.  We also sponsor publicly bid contracts with assistance from our partners at Public Safety Association (PSAI), and Eagle County Paramedic Services in Eagle County Colorado. We allow all qualifying members to use these contracts instead of bidding on their own. Our publicly bid contracts are legal to use in all 50 states, even those with the most strict of regulations around the bid process, and each contract is crafted with the aim of saving our members time and money. 

Savvik membership is free. We extend membership to ambulance services, fire departments, first responder groups, law enforcement, industrial emergency response teams, and other organizations related to the EMS industry including (but not limited to) hospitals, clinics, community paramedicine, and training/education programs. There is no obligation, no commitment, and no requirement that our members use our contracts or services.

Savvik is governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors that oversee our organization. The Savvik board is comprised of public and private first response field and business leaders from across the nation. Savvik’s day to day operations are overseen by our Executive Director, Mickey Schulte. 

Savvik is funded through administration fees negotiated directly with our vendor partners. We leverage our growing 16,000 member buying power as well as the incredibly accessible publicly bid contracts to calculate a fee with our vendors since each public bid will bring them thousands of sales oppertunites. This fee is calculated as a percentage of sales processed through our publicly bid contracts with that vendor. This administrative fee is not an added cost to the member and all of our contracts are specially curated to ensure that our members are saving time and money. The administrative fee ensures that our marketing, facilitation, and offset operating expenses are covered. 


Supporting the Industry

Savvik is a nonprofit organization that truly prioritizes making positive impacts on our community.

Savvik shares the revenue it earns with Local, State and National Association partners. Each quarter, Savvik gives 1/3 of our earnings to our Association partners whose members use participating contracts. We work directly with our Association partners to help facilitate savings to their members.  Our revenue share program is just one way that we give back to the industry that gives so much to us. As Savvik grows and succeeds, we strive to share that growth and success with the industry. 

An amazing result of our success was the formation of The Savvik Foundation in 2000.  The Savvik Foundation has it’s own governing Board of Directors and is a partner entity to Savvik Buying Group. A large portion of Savvik’s revenue is donated to The Savvik Foundation so that it can complete its mission of leading industry efforts in such areas as safety, efficient operations, education, research and national consensus building. Currently, The Savvik Foundation has partnered with the American Ambulance Association to launch a grant program for Cost Data Collection assistance programs for rural and super-rural organizations that may not otherwise be able to afford the software to accurately report their Cost Data to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. This cost data collection is crucial for rural and super-rural organizations, as it plays a role in the amount of funding that organization gets to perform it’s lifesaving work. Through this grant, services will be eligible to receive a year gold level subscription to AAA’s Ambulance Cost Education program which includes access to experts on cost collection, access to AMBER software and free registration to Webinars and Regional Workshops.  

We’re dedicated to improving the general wellbeing of the public safety industry as a whole. Our effectiveness increases with commitments from our vendor partners to provide Savvik members with quality products and services at the industry’s best prices.


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Meet our Team

Mickey Schulte

Executive Director

Mickey joined Savvik in 2014 bringing his 20 years of co-op purchasing experience with him. At Savvik, he negotiates contracts with some of the industry’s largest vendors. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his two children and his wife, Jennifer. 

Cindy Barron

Finance Manager

Cindy has been with Savvik since its inception in 1997. Since then she has managed everything under the Savvik sun and brings us 25+ years of experience of providing business management to non‐profits. 

Julie Fontaine

Membership Specialist – Associations

Julie joined Savvik after developing and launching a new market for small businesses. An accomplished business owner herself, she is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, a graduate of the University of St. Thomas, and an outdoor enthusiast that enjoys boating and snowmobiling.

Shianne Stietz

Membership and Marketing Specialist – eCommerce/gear

Shianne comes to Savvik with a long record of leadership and customer service excellence. Shianne spends her time off hours with her dog, Ellie, as well as reading, crafting, and participating in outdoor powersports with her family.

Christina Brand

Digital Content and Technology Manager

Christina joined Savvik with a colorful resume. A former first responder herself, Christina also excelled in freelance marketing, IT, and project coordination before finding a home at Savvik. She’s an avid reader, video game enthusiast, and a mother to the coolest toddler around.

Mady Klaevemann

Membership Specialist – Medical Supplies

Tracy Gordon

Business Development Manager

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